Friday, May 15, 2009

Act I rehearsal

I thought you might like to see a photograph of last night's rehearsal of a scene from Act I. Seen here (left to right) are Felicity (in the role of Pawn the butler), Sylvia (Inspector O'Reilly), Audrey (Mrs King) and Thelma (looking rather bored with the whole thing as Daphne). This is one of the few scenes I am not in, so Gordon let me practice with his new camera. Not bad, I think you'll agree.

You'll notice that our director, David - whom Sylvia has christened 'Lord Mumford of Farndale' for no particular reason - has even started to get the cast working with props! Apparently on Sunday we shall be running Act I for the first time and he will be thrusting even more bits at us. There's adventurous.

And a little update from yesterday's blog and the possibility of South Pacific on Ice. I received an email from a local animal trainer, Mrs Ellie Funt, who does wonderful things with horses and has suggested she could help us produce a real spectacle by reproducing the chariot race for Ben Hur! I gather they are doing something similar at London's o2 Arena - aka The Millennium Dome (what a waste of money THAT was) - later this year but without our added sparkle of the ice factor. Who needs to travel to the metropolis when you live near Farndale Avenue?

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