Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ghostly goings-on

Some of you may well have seen articles in the national press or heard on BBC Radio Gloucestershire about a photograph taken at the Edward Jenner Museum in Berkeley that supposedly shows a strange, possibly ghostly, figure. If you haven't, you might like to go to where you can see said photograph. The snapper says that there was no one present at the time. I never believed in such things myself, until last night, when I received an email from Gordon, our stage manager.

Anyway, it appears that our own rehearsal venue may also have an apparition of its own. When Gordon was going through the photos he and I took on Sunday - and we'll pop some more of them on here soon - he found something unusual about one of them. A sort of blur in the corner of the room. He blew up this part of the photo and discovered our own strange figure, seated in a chair. I don't remember seeing this personage there at all. Mysterious, isn't it? And he certainly looks very strange. Gordon is off to the Gloucestershire Echo to see if they want to run this story. Here's the part of the photo we're talking about.

Which also reminded me that The Playhouse, where we will be presenting our forthcoming production of Murder at Checkmate Manor - have you got your tickets yet by ringing 01242 522852? - has a ghostly history. That nice young man that runs the place wrote about it on the theatre's blog last summer. I seem to recall something about wrist slitting. Or was that just my wishful thinking while I was reading it?

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